26 December 2013

Potatisgratäng, or potatoes dauphinoise

The first recipe will be dedicated to the name of the blog, surely.
To be honest, for the moment of publishing the entry I have never tried it, but my boyfriends' mum cooks it a lot. Seems like people love it. Well, how could you not like creamy potatoes? Mouthwatering!

In the original Swedish potatisgratäng recipe, there are onions used. In BBC Food version of potatoes dauphinoise - garlic is presented. I guess, it is more up to your own preferation, whether you like it smoother or want something with extremely delicious garlicky smell.

Ingredients (serves 4) :
  • 10 potatoes (medium)
  • 2 yellow onions (small)
  • 500 ml of cream 
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 cup of grated cheese (240 ml)
  • salt, pepper
  1. Pre-heat the oven for 225 C, greese the traybake with a piece of butter.
  2. Slice potatoes thinly ~3mm. Peel and chop the onions.
  3. Mix cream with freshly grounded pepper and salt, add minced garlic.
  4. Spread half of potatoes in a form tight enough, making sure there is a place for a cream to soak.
  5. Pour half of the cream mixture over.
  6. Place a second layer of potatoes, steer the remaining cream and poor it over the potatoes tray.
  7. Start baking, after 20 minutes sprinkle cheese on top and return the tray back into the oven.
  8. Cook until the potatoes are soft.
Estimated preparation time: 15 min
Estimated cooking time: 45 min

Notes: to make it low-fat you can substitute cream with milk.

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